We have a winner for our Summer Giveaway early bird draw! Congratulations to Justin Eavis the winner of a $65 Laundry & Light service! Just because you didn't win the early bird doesn't mean you can't win the big draw on September 24th for $100 gift card...

As we all know, one of our greatest defenses against cold and flu season is hand washing. That's because all day long we touch things that others, including those with a cold or flu, have been touching. At home, when one person gets a cold those germs spread through the home by contact with many shared surfaces. It's up to each of us to ensure we wash our hands. But—especially when there are kids around—that can be tough. So keeping those shared surfaces clean is a super important way to stop a cold from infecting the whole family. Here's a video from fellow Canuck, Melissa Maker. Her YouTube channel is full of cool cleaning hacks and more. Don't forget for busy people like you, a good cleaning service is the best start to a clean home. Check out our services.

We spend about a third of our lives in bed. From sleep to Netflix and chill, your bed should be clean and sanitary at all times. Here's the low-down on keeping your bed clean, sanitary, and fresh. Mattress Mission Periodically, when you're about to wash your sheets,...

We get it, sometimes you just need a hand here and there. Filling some gaps to make a little "me time." Our clients tell us all the time that there are those times in between cleanings when they just need someone to pop in on...